Monday, June 16, 2008

Continuing a Day in the Life...

So… where I work or as I called it before… my ministry placement… I work for Teen Mania Ministries in the Local Church Partnership Department. This department is all about getting help out to youth pastors through curriculum and anything else that they might need. I love doing this because I believe so much in reaching the youth of this nation!!!!

I know that youth pastor’s have amazing hearts for their teens and I want to help partner with them in anyway I can to make the dreams in their heart become reality.

I have been working here for about 10 months now and I consider it an honor… really I do. There are so many men and women laying down their lives and their schedules because their hearts burn as their Daddy’s does… for the youth… those who have been deceived and are waiting in darkness for the call of DELIVERANCE to be sounded.

Yes… I want to partner with them!!!! J


Unknown said...

Hi Emily!
Thank you for commenting on my blog. I don't know how you found me, but I love youth ministry!
I think it is so cool that you get to work at Teen Mania! I have totally heard of the Honor's Academy. In fact one girl from our church really wanted to go there a few years back.

Feel free to stop by anytime!

Brandy said...

Hi Emily! Your comment was a blessing and I pray for your journey with Him. Youth Ministry is a rewarding yet challenging mission. I often need reminded not to get so caught up in my work "for" Him that I forget my intimacy "with" Him.
